Edwin Starr
Lilian Kyle
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©Kyle Artist

Please take time to listen to the Team's album - 'Keeping The Faith', click cover to listen or purchase.


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Archive Guestbook from its commissioning to 2011.

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130 messages
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Name: Pablo G
Location: Uruguay
Submitted: August 11, 2024 06:14:39
Comments: Edwin Starr was right. War isn't good for mankind. RIP EDWIN (L)
Name: Mary andrews
Location: Shrewsbury
Submitted: April 02, 2024 10:06:23
Comments: You will always be missed greatly a very special man x7
Name: Mary andrews
Location: Shrewsbury
Submitted: January 21, 2024 11:43:48
Comments: A very special birthday to a very special person xx
Name: Lynne Lorne
Location: Norwich
Submitted: April 02, 2023 16:56:58
Comments: Thinking of you Edwin not only today 20 years since you passed away but every day.RIP.
Name: Mary
Location: Shrewsbury
Submitted: April 02, 2023 15:27:17
Comments: Fond memories of a man that will always be missed x
Name: JoAnne Bolduc
Location: Bangor, Maine, USA
Submitted: March 21, 2023 06:25:47
Comments: Thank you for being so awesome
Name: Narvelan Coleman Hunt
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: February 01, 2023 09:14:08
Comments: Wonderful memories of singing for Edwin, with background group, 'Splendeur.' In 1974/75; we performed at the Total Experience Night Club, toured the South, New York and South Africa. Opening acts were Arthur Conley and Betty Wright. Wonderful life experiences that I will never forget. May you R.I P.
Name: Golden Kyle-Koscuik
Location: Southern Oregon
Submitted: January 22, 2023 01:32:48
Comments: Happy Birthday 2023!!! RIP, Edwin Starr. My Good and Trusted Friend. Cheers once more from t the Son of the late Lilian Kyle. God bless and Keeping the Faith, Golden
Name: John Edgington
Location: Willenhall
Submitted: January 21, 2023 13:13:28
Comments: Thinking of you on your Birthday always my Number 1
Location: shrewsbury
Submitted: January 21, 2023 12:19:30
Comments: Special birthday thoughts and memories to a very special person xxx
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