©Kyle Artist
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130 messages < Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 13 Next >
 Name: 718 Location: Nottingham Submitted: January 21, 2017 12:13:48 Comments: Thinking of you on your special day. Never forgotten x
 | Name: john Location: uk Submitted: December 09, 2016 11:25:40 Comments: A GREAT SINGER, SADLY MISSED
 | Name: Ottavio G Marasco Location: Melbourne, Australia Submitted: September 30, 2016 13:38:24 Comments: Once sent a short note to Edwin via net expressing appreciation for his music in our younger days (circa 1980) and before long received a CD in the mail. Occasionally reflect on this .... Thanks ...
 | Name: Raiya Hynönen Location: Helsinki/Finland Submitted: August 26, 2016 16:38:25 Comments: Thinking of you today! And remember, like yesterday- when i
saw you in London, Jazz café 07 Nov 02 👼🏼
 | Name: Dan Mazur Location: British Columbia Canada Submitted: August 09, 2016 06:07:33 Comments: We saw Edwin Starr at "Oil Can Harry's" in Vancouver in 1974(?).
WIKI On line it says he moved to England in 1973, this doesn't
make sense? Please clarify, We've never forgotten the
performance, he had a back-up band from L.A.. His white Rolls
or Bently (?) was parked out front with "Star 1" license plates. I
was friends with the owners and had the best seat in the house
and we danced all night. We also saw the last show that Ike &
Tina Turner did in Vancouver at the "Cave" supper club.
 | Name: Emma Jackson Location: Pooley Hall,Polesworth Submitted: July 16, 2016 22:08:00 Comments: I've really enjoyed reading all your wonderful memories &
thoughts about the great Mo-town singer Edwin Starr.I
currently live in ther former home of Edwin star Pooley Hall
Farmhouse,Pooley Lane ,Polesworth.
I unfortunately never got to meet Edwin personal myself but I
love hearing all the story's of everyone that did & all that never
meet him but had so much respect for Edwin.
So I'm going to offer only 1night stay max And for 6 nights only
from 17th July 2016 -22 July 2016 the beautiful 2 bedroom
Annexe at Pooley Hall Farmhouse ,Polesworth (former Home
of Edwin) will include overnight stay ,a grand tour of the hole
1509 grade II property.Enjoy the beautiful garden ,gym
,sunbed in outer building.
Mooring that Edwin had built himself to the beautiful canal side
Most of all get to stay in the great Edwin's former home.
Please Email at emma@emma-jackson.net for further
information 💯❤️👌
 | Name: Michael Location: Los Angeles Submitted: July 16, 2016 09:23:09 Comments: Agent 00 soul is bad bad man. I have much respect
for Edwin Starr and he lives up to his name. He
music is better than any music made today. He has
that gospel sounding voice. I am one of his biggest
fans. I play his music often. I just want to thank
you for making my radio a happy radio.RIP in my
 | Name: Valenda Newell Location: Indianapolis, IN Submitted: June 29, 2016 05:26:54 Comments: A musical genius, and a great performer. The music will last a lifetime. GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
 | Name: Tom Location: London Submitted: June 21, 2016 23:48:10 Comments: You can never have too much Edwin Starr! Such a great
singer. That raw, soulful voice, especially combined with the
smooth Motown sound! Standout songs for me:
Ric-Tic Years: "Back Street", "Headline News" & "Stop Her On
Sight (S.O.S.)"
Motown Years: "War" (of course), "Twenty-Five Miles" & "My
Weakness Is You"
Later Years: "Contact" & "H.A.P.P.Y. Radio"
 | Name: fletch Location: south Wales Submitted: April 03, 2016 15:47:03 Comments: Thirteen years and still remembered with love by all who heard you sing and more importantly met one of the worlds great gentlemen x
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