Edwin Starr
Lilian Kyle
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130 messages
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Name: mary andrews
Location: shrewsbury
Submitted: April 02, 2018 12:05:21
Comments: Memories of a very sad day. You will always be remembered a very special person. xx
Name: andy jones
Location: atherstone warwickshire
Submitted: January 22, 2018 01:57:20
Comments: Oh how i remember Edwin Starr as he lived in my old village Polesworth several years i knew him well he got a girl group started with daughters of people i knew well i remember one day chatting to Edwin about a music academy school he had an idea for i suggested some locations that may of been appropriate alas Edwin never got his wish but it was a joy knowing a fave singer performer of mine had made my village his home for a period
Name: Mary
Location: Shrewsbury
Submitted: January 21, 2018 12:04:53
Comments: Happy Birthday. Miss you. Love Maryxxx
Name: Nickster
Location: London
Submitted: November 17, 2017 12:14:42
Comments: As far as the the man's voice is concerned, he was the best of his generation and his genre. His range, power and notation are first class. Never got the worldwide credit he deserved. Never has a singer been so underrated. But we all knew better! R.I.P.
Name: Am Ere
Location: Oslo
Submitted: August 31, 2017 02:09:11
Comments: Grew up listening to that powerful soulful voice.Edwin,Dennis Edwards and Levi Stubbs were the epitomy of powerful soulfulness,just couldn't get enough of their moving,gritty soulful voices. Still miss Edwin. Hard to imagine he's gone.
Name: Richard
Location: Wensleydale
Submitted: August 20, 2017 17:27:12
Comments: I met the great man when he played the Flamingo Cleethorpes in the early 90s. No-one knew that it was the last night that the Flam was open. Edwin appeared on stage without his backing band and apologised to the audience. The Flamingo couldn't afford to pay fir hus band but rather than disappoint the fans he came on his own. After two songs with a backing track Edwin stopped the show, turned off his backing tape and told us all that we were his backing band. We all sang the songs with him. He was brilliant. I saw him as support for Jr Walker and Marvin Gaye and he beat them both into a cocked hat. Best live artist ever.
Name: 718
Location: Nottingham
Submitted: April 02, 2017 20:50:26
Comments: 14 years came the sad news of your passing. Always in my thoughts and ❤
Name: Lynne
Location: Wymondham
Submitted: April 02, 2017 11:36:23
Comments: Thinking of you not only today but everyday. Thanks for all your great music.
Name: mick
Location: minneapolis
Submitted: February 03, 2017 06:13:26
Comments: just wanna say all the girls started dancing at Grumpy's nordeast tonight as soon as the needle dropped on Stop the War Now. Thank you, Mr. Starr.
Name: Freda
Location: Birmingham
Submitted: January 21, 2017 19:54:02
Comments: Happy birthday Edwin, 75 years today, what a party that would have been. Sending love and hugs up to you today and always. Still miss you every day. Much love, Freda, Kevin, Victoria and Matthew. xx Keep shining over everyone!!
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